Sunday, November 8, 2009

Final Observation

The most interesting thing that i have seen yet i noticed in my last observation. There was an organism spinning what looked like 2 propellers and it was sucking food in. They were moving fast enough to produce a current to suck others in.

It is Survival of The Fittest.

All nematodes have grown to even a bigger size.
Alot of green algae is growing in the bottom. One piece super long.
Many tiny organisms everywhere still and have grown in a very small amount.
All of them have moved to the bottom near the dirt.
There is a thin layer of dirt around the sides of the microaquarium.
All the dirt has moved to the right bottom.
Air bubbles where in there.

1. What changes have occurred from the last observation?
More green algae has started growing on the bottom of the microaquarium.
All organisms have grown but no new ones have shown up.

2. Have the numbers of each organism increased, decreased or stayed about the same?
The number of organisms have decreased.

3. Are there dead organisms in the bottom layer of the tank?
This time there was one dead organisms and it wasn't on the bottom.

1. Stationary vs. moving organisms.
All organisms were moving.

2. If moving, a description of motion.
There was not much motion going on this time.
Just the nemotodes moving around.

3. Single celled vs. multicellular organisms
They are all multicellular organisms, with many single cell organisms all over.

4. Chlorophyll green vs. non-green organisms.
One Chlorophyll green organism has shown up. It was a Dugesia.

5. Habitat preference of the different organisms – bottom, middle or tops
All organisms no longer have a preference of where they are.

6. For each organism record if you have seen only one or many of them.
Cladoceran have all died off
2 Copepods and 4 Ostracods
5 nematodes and 1 planaria
many of the small single cell organisms everywhere

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Third Observation

All nematodes have grown.
Ostracods have shown up.
Some green algae is being seen.
Many tiny organisms everywhere.

I added "ONE" Beta Food Pellet to the microaquarium.

1. What changes have occurred from the last observation?
Some green algae has started growing on the bottom of the microaquarium.
All organisms have grown and new ones are there now.

2. Have the numbers of each organism increased, decreased or stayed about the same?
The number of organisms have increased.

3. Are there dead organisms in the bottom layer of the tank?
There was a few dead organisms at the bottom last time, and this time there was no dead organisms.

1. Stationary vs. moving organisms.
All organisms were moving.

2. If moving, a description of motion.
There was not as much motion going on this time.
The Ostracods were moving in a wavy motion.

3. Single celled vs. multicellular organisms
They are all multicellular organisms, with some single cell organisms starting to show up.

4. Chlorophyll green vs. non-green organisms.
No chlorophyll green organisms have been spotted yet. but some green algae is starting to pop up.

5. Habitat preference of the different organisms – bottom, middle or tops
The Nematodes and Planaria like it near the bottom and eat out of the dirt.
The Clarendon and Capepod like it around the plants.
The Cyphoderia are found all over.

6. For each organism record if you have seen only one or many of them.
Cladoceran have all died off
3 Copepods and 5-10 Ostracods
5 nematodes and 2 planaria
many of the small single cell organisms everywhere